The Law of Attraction and how it changed my life

Hello. Thank you for stopping by again. I appreciate you.

I have been thinking about doing this post for quote a while but I was so over whelmed with the amount of information I wanted to share so I didn’t …but as I connect with people through Instagram, the topic keeps coming up so it is time I shared some of my knowledge and story with you all.

For those who don’t know me in real life. I think you would describe me as a bubbly and happy person. I have always been like this. And since young I managed to somehow get my way and what I wanted with most things. Some trivial and some of importance. I thought it was coincidence and my destiny every single time. But how can God favour me sooo much and not others??

I went to a private Catholic school for the 12 years of schooling so I would say up until year 12 my faith would have been Catholicism. There was times where I can recall questioning what was being taught to me etc and growing up on acreage with no street lights and a huge, endless dark sky of gorgeous twinkling stars, I would often “wonder what else is out there”. I would say now I am a spiritual being. I believe in God. I believe in Jesus. I also believe in Buddha. I believe in the stories from Hinduism and the Qu’ran. I know not everyone will agree with me and I am totally fine with that. But those are my beliefs and you do you.

I would owe a lot of what I know to my husband Jordan. I think his journey kick started my inner desires and thoughts to know more about the world and self development but for a while I way more interested in partying then those topics.

So if I wanted to summarise what the law of attraction is, I would say. The law of attraction is a law of the universe that basically means we are all connected through vibration and frequency and what we think, say, and feel basically determines our future. Everything is energy and we are able to determine the frequency in which we want to be on. For example, you know when you walk into a room and two people may have had a fight and you can literally feel the tension in the room. You can’t see it, but you can feel it. You know is it there.

So with Law of Attraction, like attracts like. Being positive attracts more positivity. And it is the same with negativity. But I ain’t about that negative life so I will mainly be focusing on all things positive. But just know that it can and will go both ways and that is entirely up to you.

So I really love the Law of attraction because it gives you total control of your life. At first I was like “ No, this can’t be true “ because that also means all the sadness that has entered my life has also been my fault. Well once you get over this realisation, you can start moving in a positive direction to what you want.

Manifesting your desires is a way to use the Law of Attraction to get to your goals. Your goals can be anything like a successful business or finding your dream partner etc. I think the most important element of Law of attraction and manifesting is gratitude. Gratitude shows the Universe/ God whatever you want to describe it as “Hey. I am so grateful for this and this “ and the Universe responds with “ oh amazing, here have more of it”.

You want abundance? Then you need to FEEL abundant. You need to be grateful for what you have. You need to VISUALISE abundance. You need to write that shit down and WORK on it.
It’s not something you just sit back on and be like “okk well I asked for it so I will get it “. Lol. No.
You still have to do the work. But it can fast track your desires and give you the opportunities you have been previously only dreaming about. TUNE INTO THE FREQUENCY YOU WANT TO BE ON. Like a radio :)

So by using the Law of attraction you are able to manifest things into existence. Some of the things I have manifested are :

  • My husband and my family

  • Money ( gifts of money in the 5 digits to be specific)

  • Career opportunities

  • Friendships

  • Clothes

  • Brands working/paying me

  • Winning competitions

  • Getting random for free things

Lots of positives but also negatives like hurting myself, broken friendships etc.

A whole lot of people have used the Law of Attraction to get to where they want to be. Here are some great examples : Martin Luther King Jr, Winston Churchill, Mother Theresa, Big Sean ( rapper ) , Russ ( rapper) , Nipsey Hussle ( rapper R.IP) ,Tammy Hembrow ( @tammyhembrow multi-millionaire influencer with 13,5millionaire followers ) Oprah Winfrey, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Conor McGregor, Will Smith, Einstein and the list goes on and on. Check out this little video for various rappers and how they used the Law of Attraction

This is not some hocus pocus bullshit. This is real life MAGIC. This is Metaphysics, Science, using your sub-conscious mind and faith all combined into one. I am living proof that this actually works. It doesn’t really bother me who doesn’t believe me. If you want the help, just ask. I am here :) You are reading this for a reason. EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED. From the birds and bee’s, to you and I.

If you want it and If you believe you can have it ; it’s yours.
Energy flows where intention goes. If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand. What you think about, you bring about. Your words and thoughts are powerful - choose them wisely.

There are countless books on this and I will save this for another post. In the mean time, try looking up the works of Napolean Hill, Joseph Murphy, Deepak Chopra, Paul Coelho, Rhonda Byrne, Esther Hicks, Joe Vitale, Bon Proctor and Norman Peale just to name a few.

This is a VERY brief, very simple version of Law of Attraction. There is SO MUCH MORE TO IT. Change your mindset and you can change your life.

Lots of love and blessings
